
Palestine/Bethlehem/Medical care and support for elderly people

Israel and Palestine
Psychological Support
Distribution of basic necessities
Cultural Activities
context & objective
The city of Bethlehem is in a state of extreme economic and social vulnerability, putting the most vulnerable groups in desperate need of assistance. Elderly individuals are among the individuals who are most vulnerable to loneliness and neglect.
Pro Terra Sancta has established a listening service for anyone who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of this project. The fundamental goal of this project is to ensure that people have access to appropriate and consistent health care. In addition, Pro Terra Sancta collaborated with other social service groups to reach out to all individuals suffering from chronic and degenerative diseases, particularly the elderly, who are the most isolated. The Association carries out a discussion with doctors to determine the urgency of the treatments and listens to families to determine their economic and financial resources; it then connects the sick and their families with local health facilities and works to obtain medecines and treatments that are not available on Palestinian territory.

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