Pro Terra Sancta website in Arabic

Giacomo Pizzi6 October 2011

As of today, the Arabic version of Pro Terra Sancta’s website is available online.  This site has been launched in order to involve and bring together the Holy land’s Christian population, the living stones and beneficiaries of ATS pro Terra Sancta’s and the Guardian of the Holy Land’s projects.

The website for ATS pro Terra Sancta, the official NGO of the Custody of the Holy Land, holds information, videos and images regarding projects centered around the following areas of intervention: “Emergency, education and development” and “Memory and culture – sacred grounds”.  These interventions support these sacred lands and keep their memory alive.  The main aim of the association’s communicative activities is to keep friends of ATS Pro Terra Sancta and it’s many supporters up to date with projects, providing them with information and images directly from the Holy Land.