Mother's Day 2023
Remember your Mother in Nazareth
Mother's Day is an important occasion to be able to remember and thank for the gift of the one who generated us to life and who introduced us to the world. For this special occasion, we want to offer you the opportunity to remember your mother with an intention of prayer in Nazareth, in the place where Mary, our heavenly mother, received the Announcement of the Angel.

Mother's Day 2023
Your prayer intention
Give the memory of your mother to Mary, heavenly mother at the place where she received the announcement of the angel. Your prayer intention will be deposited near the altar at the place of the incarnation of Jesus. We will entrust your prayer to the Franciscans who guard the Sanctuary of the Annunciation in Nazareth.



Mother's Day 2023
Remember your dear mother
Click on the button below, fill out the form and send us your prayer intention, in memory of your mother!
Your prayer intention
Fill in the form below and send your messagge or prayer to Nazareth!