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Campaigns Archive

Pro Terra Sancta
Campaigns Archive

The archive of the completed campaigns.

Part of the history of the Holy Land forever
Campaign concluded
Conservation and development
Part of the history of the Holy Land forever
This year, we have presented the 2023 Benefactors Book to the Custodian of the Holy Land. Become part of the History of the Holy Land and strengthen your bond with this special place even more!
Earthquake in Syria: one year later
Campaign concluded
Earthquake in Syria: one year later
A year ago, on February 6 at 4 a.m. local time, a devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.8 struck Turkey and northern Syria. The tragedy has claimed more than 56,000 lives, including at least 7,200 in Syria. Today, one year after the tremors, the situation is still very critical.
Christmas at war: support the last of Bethlehem
Campaign concluded
Christmas at war: support the last of Bethlehem
This Christmas, due to the conflict, many already isolated cities are confronted with the absence of pilgrims and the inevitable increase in unemployment and poverty. In this situation, it is children and vulnerable people who suffer the most serious consequences, often finding themselves abandoned and defenseless.
November 2nd: let’s remember our loved ones
Campaign concluded
Conservation and development
November 2nd: let’s remember our loved ones
On November 2, the day we remember all our deceased loved ones, send your prayer in memory of a deceased loved one of yours to the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem!
Syria emergency: Support families!
Campaign concluded
Syria emergency: Support families!
90% of families in Syria live below the poverty line. 15 million people out of a population of 21 million rely on humanitarian aid.
Lebanon: Support those who remain
Campaign concluded
Lebanon: Support those who remain
On August 4, 2020, a devastating explosion in the port of Beirut shocked the country. Despite the difficulties, some brave people chose to stay.
Syria and Turkey: we continue to rebuild
Campaign concluded
Syria and Turkey: we continue to rebuild
3 months after the earthquake of February 6, which had a devastating impact on the region of Syria and Turkey. That is what has been done and what we will do.
Aleppo mobile center
Campaign concluded
Aleppo mobile center
Let's meet the children of East Aleppo: children of war, in need of everything.
The elders of the Holy Land
Campaign concluded
Education and assistance
The elders of the Holy Land
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