News Page 20

24 March 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
“The works cannot be stopped”. A witness from our volunteers in Bethlehem
Matteo tells us how people live in Bethlehem during the Corona Virus emergency, but above all how the works of charity continue to operate also thanks to the young volunteers coordinated by the Association Pro Terra Sancta. We had a nice chat with Matteo, professional educator and volunteer of the Civil Service for the Pro […]

20 March 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Video: the Holy Sepulchre as you have never seen it
Come with us to see the Holy Sepulchre as you have never seen it. The coronavirus emrgency also hit the Holy Land. After the first suspected cases in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, the authorities are moving towards increasingly severe measures. Tourists and pilgrims caonnot enter the country. Borders where closed first to the Italians […]

18 March 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Coronavirus in Bethlehem: remote assistance for patients of the Emergency centre
Naila Nasser, social worker of the Association Pro Terra Sancta in Bethlehem, continues her work even during this critical moment, at least for the most urgent cases. Naila Nasser is the head of the emergency medical and listening center activated in Bethlehem by the Association Pro Terra Santa, a center of help and financial support […]

13 March 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Coronavirus emergency in Bethlehem
Stories from Bethlehem in the times of the Coronavirus. After the first cases of tourists tested positive, total closure of the city. Deserted streets and closed population. Association Pro Terra Sancta continues to remain on field to help the elderly and the sick, the group most at risk of being affected by the virus. A […]

12 March 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
“We cannot forget them”. Fr. Luke’s tireless work with refugees
On the Greek-Turkish border thousands of migrants are stuck in the cold, victims of violence and abuse. No one wants to take them in. On this occasion we publish the beautiful testimony of Fr. Luke Gregory, parish priest of the Greek islands of Rhodes and Kos, who has been providing assistance to Syrian refugees for […]

06 March 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Rafedin Boutique in Jordan: a unique opportunity for Iraqi girls
Rafedín means “Land between two rivers”, or the ancient Mesopotamia embraced by the Tigris and the Euphrates, Iraq today. Rafedín is the land from which the young Iraqi girls who now live as refugees in Amman, Jordan fled. “Rafedín – Made by Iraqi Girls” is a project of hope that has given these young Iraqi […]

05 March 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
“I was in prison and you visited me”. Letter from fr. Bahjat, Damascus
Here is the Lenten letter of Fra Bahjat Elia Karakach, guardian of the convent of Bab Thouma in Damascus. Dear friends, I am writing to you from prison. Here comes the Lenten season which helps us to convert through penance. A time when we are called to be close to those who suffer, to the […]

02 March 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethany. The Palestinian Minister of Tourism and the Minister of Jerusalem visit to the project
A very welcome visit to the Bethany archeological site by the Palestinian Minister of Tourism and Antiquity Rula Maayah and the Minister of Jerusalem Fadi al-Hadami. The representatives of the Palestinian Authority, who came to Bethany for a meeting on the promotion of tourism in the Palestinian Territories, saw the restoration work carried out in […]

26 February 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
“May the Lord help the Syrian people”. Letter from Fr. Ibrahim, Aleppo
At the beginning of the Lenten Period we publish a letter from Fr. Ibrahim Alsabagh, parish priest of Aleppo. Dear all, the Pope’s appeal on Sunday 15 February to the Angelus gave us so much consolation. We have heard how close the Pope is, lives and suffers with us here in Aleppo, reminding the world […]

17 February 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bombs in Idlib and Aleppo. Fr. Hanna’s appeal: “pray for Syria. Help us!”
There is still war in northern Syria, where there is a constant fight in the province of Idlib and at the gates of Aleppo. More than 400,000 displaced people in the cold under the snow, without food or water. We publish the appeal of the friars in the region. The ground in Idlib trembles, people […]

12 February 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Music and friendship within the Crusader walls: with the Telemaco String Quartet in the Holy Land
Mozart resounds in Sebastia’s Al Badd crusade room thanks to the guys from the Telemaco quartet, four young chamber music talents who study or have just finished studying at the Milan Conservatory. Marco Mauro, Chiara, Lorenzo and Stefano performed two evenings of music in front of an audience of participating and interested Palestinians and internationals. […]

10 February 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Dar Mamilla: the new pro Terra Sancta guesthouse in the heart of Jerusalem
The guesthouse managed by the Association Pro Terra Sancta, Dar Mamilla, located on the premises of the convent of St. Vincent de Paul in Jerusalem, was officially inaugurated on Tuesday 4 February. Together with the Sisters of Charity of the Order of St. Vincent de Paul, the volunteers and members of the Association pro Terra […]

04 February 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Terra Sancta Museum: publishing of the first catalog on the precious archeological collection
“A compilation of the most significant objects of the Terra Sancta Museum“: with these words Sara Cibin curator of the catalog, describes the volume: Selected Works from the collection of the Terra Sancta Museum. The catalog, published by Edizioni Terra Santa, allows to have a general look at the collections of objects preserved in the […]

31 January 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Small drops of hope in Bethlehem. Here’s what we did in 2019
In the Manger Square, many workers from the municipality of Bethlehem are taking care of dismantling the last Christmas lights. Even the Orthodox Christmas and the Armenian Christmas, which fall respectively 13 and 21 days after the Catholic one, have now passed and it is time to leave the holidays behind. But even when the […]

28 January 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
“Here I found myself.” Story of Raed, mosaicist in Jericho
1,250,000 mosaic tiles, 100 pieces to cover an area of 5 square meters, a month and a half to complete. At the Mosaic Center in Jericho a team of six people work tirelessly to create the mosaic covering of a niche in the crypt of the Dormitio, the church on Mount Zion in Jerusalem that […]

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