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Israel-Palestine War: Alongside the Weakest

Israel and Palestine
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Pro Terra Sancta
Israel-Palestine War: Alongside the Weakest
Israel-Palestine War: Alongside the Weakest

The conflict between Israel and Palestine is becoming increasingly bloody. In strongly reaffirming our commitment to peace, we continue to offer all possible concrete help to the most fragile and needy, victims of this situation.

Israel-Palestine War: Needs and Our Intervention

Support for the Latin Parish of Gaza City

Since the beginning of the conflict, Pro Terra Sancta has been alongside the Latin Parish of Gaza City, through first aid interventions (distribution of food and non-foodstuffs, first aid kits, blankets and clothes) to people who have found shelter on the parish premises. Many of the 700 displaced people no longer have a home to return to.

Alongside the most vulnerable in two refugee camps

In collaboration with the Atfaluna Association, which has been accompanying deaf children and their families to Gaza for more than 20 years, we have launched a psychological support program for about 3,000 children in two refugee camps in the Strip.

Sending food aid

In collaboration with the Association "We move on the path of charity" of Bethlehem, we buy and send clothes and basic necessities and hygiene products (such as diapers, sanitary napkins and personal care products), bags of rice and flour, for about 300 families inside the refugee camps of Gaza. The packages are prepared in Bethlehem with the help of some children to raise awareness of solidarity.

Accanto agli sfollati
Con l’ingresso dei primi aiuti, siamo riusciti a far arrivare pacchi alimentari e prodotti per l’infanzia alle famiglie sfollate vicino alla città di Rafah
Seminare Pace in Israele e Palestina
Dialogo con il Custode di Terra Santa, padre Francesco Patton, a un mese dallo scoppio del conflitto.
Appello per la Pace da Gerusalemme
Rivedi la diretta con Sua Beatitudine Eminentissima il Cardinale Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Patriarca di Gerusalemme
Dall’altra parte del conflitto
Diretta da Damasco con Giacomo Gentile, responsabile progetti in Siria e Libano
Una storia che unisce
Dialogo con Carla Benelli, responsabile dei progetti culturali di Pro Terra Sancta, da Gerualemme
Storie di vita da Israele e Palestina
Rivedi la diretta con Alessandra Buzzetti, corrispondente TV2000 a Gerusalemme.
Voce di speranza dalla Città Santa
Rivedi la diretta con Padre Ibrahim Faltas OFM, Vicario Generale della Custodia di Terra Santa.
Domandate pace per Gerusalemme: sia pace a coloro che ti amano, sia pace sulle tue mura, sicurezza nei tuoi baluardi. Per i miei fratelli e i miei amici io dirò: ‘Su di te sia pace!’. Per la casa del Signore nostro Dio, chiederò per te il bene.
Salmo 122
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Israel-Palestine War: Alongside the Weakest
Israel and Palestine
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