News Page 18

31 July 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
New mosaic restored in Bethany
Naame restores the 4th century mosaic, Ranan passes the protective material on the new mosaic made by the boys and girls of the Mosaic Centre, Raed checks the quality of the installation. A little further on, Adeel and Ahmad are in charge of the restoration of the tomb of Lazarus, Abu Ael of the remake […]

28 July 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Ceramic for life: a new ceramic course for the women of Samaria
We knock on the door of the pottery workshop of Nisf Jubeil, the small village near the ancient city of Sebastia. The girls from the centre greet us shyly, asking for time to put the veil back on their heads. In a female-only environment, Muslim women are not required to cover their hair. The space […]

24 July 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
A tale of another Jerusalem. How the virus changed the city I know
The Jerusalem that I see in these months is very different from the Jerusalem that welcomed me three years ago, at the beginning of my journey as a volunteer in the Pro Terra Sancta Association. The lively and colourful streets of the Old City, which had so fascinated my curious look as a young European […]

21 July 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem: fighting the pandemic with solidarity
The health and economic crisis in Israel and Palestine is worsening because of Covid-19. “In Israel there is a daily growth of about 1,200 cases and in Palestine of over 400” says Vincenzo Bellomo, head of the projects of the Association pro Terra Sancta in Bethlehem. The Manger Square has seen neither tourists nor pilgrims […]

17 July 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Nazareth: the parish reaction to Covid
Since August 2019 Father Marwan has been the parish priest of Nazareth. After managing the Terra Santa Schools and the House of the Child in Bethlehem for many years, he now continues his mission in Galilee, in the Israeli city with the highest number of Christians. “Nazareth is a very large parish – abuna Marwan […]

10 July 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Lebanon: the crisis, the protests and the covid lockdown. And now poverty
Even the lockdown didn’t stop the protests in Lebanon. It is not only about online activism, in fact these days the population has taken to the streets again. Since October 17, 2019, there has been a long-standing discontent in the streets and social media in the country. Lebanon, like many countries in the Middle East, […]

07 July 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Covid-19 in Bethlehem: towards a new lockdown
Covid-19 cases in Bethlehem and more generally in Palestine have been increasing worryingly for some weeks. The registered number today is 3,485, higher than in March, when the local authorities decided to isolate Bethlehem and declare a state of emergency for the Coronavirus. The opening of the Nativity Church on May 26th seemed to mark […]

30 June 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Fr. Hanna from the Idlib province: “Things are getting worse everyday”
The appeal of Father Hanna, the parish priest of Knayeh in the missions of the Orontes in Syria, is poignant: “Unfortunately things are not going very well here”, he said with honest simplicity. The villages of Knaye and Yacoubieh are in one of the areas most affected by the Syrian war. They are in the […]

26 June 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
The sanctuaries of St. John the Baptist in the Holy Land Hidden places to discover
The history of the cult of St. John the Baptist in the Holy Land, which is celebrated on 24 June, begins in the 4th century and takes place mainly in the sanctuaries erected above the presumed places of birth, ministry and death. In this short story we will take you to explore some of these […]

24 June 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Syria: the hope that builds. Witness by Fr. Ibrahim Alsabagh
A new online meeting was held on Thursday 18 June “Syria: the hope that builds”, together with Father Ibrahim Alsabagh from Aleppo, an exceptional guest spoke: His Eminency Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco. The Cardinal, who we can certainly define as a great friend of Syria, with his presence, wanted to emphasize once again his closeness to […]

19 June 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
The Terra Santa School of Jericho: where beauty arouses responsibility
We visited Father Mario Hadchiti, principal of the Terra Santa School of Jericho. With him we talk about school, education and dialogue. The appeal to help schools in a moment of crisis. Father Mario Hadchiti, a Franciscan of Lebanese origin, is six feet of energy and creativity. Parish priest of Jericho, since 2013 he has […]

16 June 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
“In Syria we live in misery and hunger, don’t abandon us!”: Fr. Bahjat’s appeal from Damascus
Father Bahjat from Damascus does not gild the pill: the situation in Syria is very serious. The tones are alarming: “I can say without exaggeration that today we have left the term poverty behind us, today we speak of misery”. The post-war economic crisis is getting worse as the days go by. Syria no longer […]

15 June 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
St. Anthony: patron saint of the Custody of the Holy Land for a hundred years
To know episodes, anecdotes, traditions and chronicles of a centuries-old history such as that of the Custody of the Holy Land the right person to turn to is certainly Father Narciso Klimas, responsible for the historical custodial archive. A well of knowledge and kindness that one could listen to for hours in telling the history […]

09 June 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem: Work is hope
Even in times of pandemic, Pro Terra Sancta creates new job opportunities in Bethlehem to support families in difficulty On May 26th the Basilica of the Nativity reopened its doors. A sign of hope for Bethlehem which is now facing the second phase of the pandemic: the economic consequences. Not knowing when pilgrims and tourists […]

05 June 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Holy Land and COVID-19: Witness of the Custos of the Holy Land
“The Holy Land in the days of the Coronavirus: the difficulties, the challenges, the hope”. This is the title of the online meeting held last Thursday 28 May with the Custos of the Holy Land, Fra Francesco Patton. A dialogue of about an hour with the journalist and communications manager of Pro Terra Santa Andrea […]

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