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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 5
The “Community Living Museum for Palestinian Youth” project is underway
30 June 2023
by Giacomo Pizzi
The “Community Living Museum for Palestinian Youth” project is underway
Sara Cibin, art historian and expert museologist, coordinates the educational section of the Terra Sancta Museum. We asked her to tell us about this rib born within one of the most important projects in Jerusalem. The project is officially titled Community Living Museum for Palestinian Youth . It was born as a project funded by […]
<strong>A year of civil service in the Holy Land: interview with two volunteers</strong>
23 June 2023
by Veronica Brocca
A year of civil service in the Holy Land: interview with two volunteers
Tomorrow evening, the seven volunteers of the Universal Civil Service in Jerusalem and Bethlehem will return to Italy after eleven months of service in the Holy Land. Once they finished their university studies, the girls were selected to carry out the Civil Service with Pro Terra Sancta and, after the experience, we asked some questions […]
The testimony of Father Hanna Jallouf, parish priest of the Syrian village of Knaye
15 June 2023
by Andrea Avveduto
The testimony of Father Hanna Jallouf, parish priest of the Syrian village of Knaye
“The damages are enormous, we are putting in a lot of effort, but the situation is really difficult. Nevertheless, we always rebuild wherever possible.” Father Hanna Jallouf, who collaborates with the Association to assist the needy population, is one of those friars who rarely succumbs to discouragement, and even in the worst situations, he gets […]
Earthquake in Syria: the status of reconstruction
09 June 2023
by Veronica Brocca
Earthquake in Syria: the status of reconstruction
The consequences of the strong 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria four months ago have been devastating. To date, there have been over 59,000 casualties, with more than 121,000 people injured and at least 5 million displaced. In Syria, hundreds of dilapidated buildings have crumbled amidst the ruins of the civil war. Many […]
Annual Report 2022
07 June 2023
by Giacomo Pizzi
Annual Report 2022
Here is the 2022 Social Report approved by the General Assembly of the Association pro Terra Sancta. With a view to transparency, the financial statements have been certified by the auditors.
<strong>Education, training and work: success stories in Syria thanks to the support of the Italian Episcopal Conference</strong>
02 June 2023
by Veronica Brocca
Education, training and work: success stories in Syria thanks to the support of the Italian Episcopal Conference
The future of Syria is being written today. Starting with women and children. Thanks to a project born in the heart of some cities, we offer a job opportunity to displaced women in Lattakia and families living in the poorest neighborhoods of East Aleppo. Having a job opportunity here in Syria does not only mean […]
Drops of goodness that overcome evil: our 2022 social report
26 May 2023
by Veronica Brocca
Drops of goodness that overcome evil: our 2022 social report
Behind these figures there are the stories of boys and girls, boys and girls who have seen their right to study and family recognized. Young people and parents who have rediscovered dignity through work and vocational training programs close to the elderly and disabled who with the care and love of so many people are […]
Syria today: what&#8217;s going on? How did it come to this?
23 May 2023
by Veronica Brocca
Syria today: what’s going on? How did it come to this?
On March 15, 2011, in Dara’a, a city in south-east Syria, a bloody war began with tragic humanitarian consequences. It is in this city that several demonstrators rise up with a series of civil protests against the Syrian regime, ruled in a dictatorial manner by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The protests arise from a situation […]
<strong>The luxury of feeding one&#8217;s family in Lebanon</strong>
19 May 2023
by Veronica Brocca
The luxury of feeding one’s family in Lebanon
«When I can afford it, I buy bananas. They are the cheapest fruits». Il papà libanese Antoine frequenta il nostro centro di emergenza a Tripoli, Libano, e la sua testimonianza sulle difficoltà di portare il cibo quotidiano in tavola è quella di tante famiglie libanesi. In fact, Lebanon has been facing an economic and financial […]
Excavation and training works resume in Bethany
12 May 2023
by Veronica Brocca
Excavation and training works resume in Bethany
«Thanks to the collaboration between al-Quds University and the University of Palermo, we are weaving the first degree course in restoration in the Middle East». Carla Benelli , head of cultural projects at Pro Terra Sancta, tells us enthusiastically about how she is currently working in the heart of Bethany. It is here that since […]
<strong>MECP: Discover the Middle East with Pro Terra Sancta</strong>
28 April 2023
by Veronica Brocca
MECP: Discover the Middle East with Pro Terra Sancta
Are you passionate about the political, social, historical, artistic and territorial dimension of the Middle East? Do you want to immerse yourself in the culture and everyday life of the living stones of Israel and Palestine? Then the Middle East Community Program (MECP) is the experience for you.
<strong>The bus of life of Eastern Aleppo</strong>
19 April 2023
by Andrea Avveduto
The bus of life of Eastern Aleppo
From a distance it would look like just another bus. Old and broken down. In Italy it would probably be scrapped immediately. It almost blends in among the cars parked alongside the rubble. Only the red bodywork stands out in the depressed outskirts of Aleppo. As you get closer, you begin to hear the voices […]
The exhibition on the Holy Sepulchre arrives in Italy
14 April 2023
by Giacomo Pizzi
The exhibition on the Holy Sepulchre arrives in Italy
The Holy Land is a pilgrimage destination for numerous faithful from all over the world who can reach here the pivotal places of the stories recorded in the Gospels. During the Easter season, which has just passed, the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher was the meeting point for all those who wished to relive the […]
The Feasts of Jerusalem
07 April 2023
by Veronica Brocca
The Feasts of Jerusalem
A loud cannon fire in the middle of the night heralds the beginning of the holy month for Muslims around the world: Ramadan. According to this year’s lunar calendar, the month of fasting and charity began at dawn on March 23 and will end on Friday, April 21. Cannon firing, which is actually a stun […]
JACC: a story of hope in Holy Week
31 March 2023
by Veronica Brocca
JACC: a story of hope in Holy Week
Aron is a refugee who has come into contact with the JACC (Jerusalem African Community Center), the NGO based in Jerusalem that in collaboration with Pro Terra Sancta has been offering concrete help to thousands of African immigrants who cross the border of Israel in search of a better and dignified life. The data collected […]
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