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News Page 4
TALES OF PEACE: In Bethlehem, in the Children’s House where the children learn to love.
03 November 2023
by Jacopo Battistini
TALES OF PEACE: In Bethlehem, in the Children’s House where the children learn to love.
It is not easy to be young in Bethlehem. Amir knows this and this is why the Children’s Home in Bethlehem works: “These children live in a very dramatic state, most of them have a very complicated situation at home, they are often victims of domestic violence.” These are the words of Amir, the secretary […]
There is no one left in Bethlehem: the difficult situation in the West Bank in these weeks of war.
02 November 2023
by Jacopo Battistini
There is no one left in Bethlehem: the difficult situation in the West Bank in these weeks of war.
In Bethlehem it is always Christmas. Or so they say. Since October 7, the situation in this city has radically changed. The unprecedented offensive launched by Hamas on the territories surrounding the Gaza Strip has also had its consequences in the cradle of Christianity. “The peak tourism season was coming and finally this year it […]
Suor Pilar: a Gaza è emergenza umanitaria senza precedenti, il racconto della religiosa dalla striscia
24 October 2023
by Lucia Borgato
Suor Pilar: a Gaza è emergenza umanitaria senza precedenti, il racconto della religiosa dalla striscia
A quasi tre settimane dallo scoppio del conflitto, nella striscia di Gaza il numero di vittime civili è superiore a 5000. E’ in corso una vera e propria crisi umanitaria. Su una popolazione di circa 3,2 milioni di persone, oggi più della metà sono sfollati interni. Chi può trova rifugio presso le abitazioni di familiari, […]
Interview with His Eminence Pierbattista Pizzaballa
13 October 2023
by Jacopo Battistini
Interview with His Eminence Pierbattista Pizzaballa
Your Eminence, unfortunately we are somewhat accustomed to violence in these lands. Yet, in this situation everything seems more violent, more serious. How are you living these days? “The situation is very serious. It is true that this is not the first time that we have faced a crisis, but the scale of this crisis, […]
Israel and Gaza War: Our Call for Lasting Peace
10 October 2023
by Giacomo Pizzi
Israel and Gaza War: Our Call for Lasting Peace
The attack launched by Hamas from Gaza against Israel – we have heard it everywhere – is unparalleled in recent years and a cause of great concern and sadness. It is a war in all respects, with a partial budget that is already frightening. These are not the usual missile attacks, which were punctually intercepted by […]
Armonia e Bellezza: L’Undicesima Stagione dell’Organ and Music Festival Rhodes
06 October 2023
by Lucia Borgato
Armonia e Bellezza: L’Undicesima Stagione dell’Organ and Music Festival Rhodes
A Rodi, il 4 ottobre, la ricorrenza del padre serafico dei francescani viene celebrata con un evento straordinario. La magia della musica classica abbraccia la Terra Santa nell’Undicesima Stagione dell’Organ & Music Festival Rhodes. Un evento degno di nota ospitato nella chiesa di San Francesco di Rodi. La sua realizzazione e cura nei minimi particolari […]
Pro Terra Sancta arriva in Giordania
22 September 2023
by Lucia Borgato
Pro Terra Sancta arriva in Giordania
“Lo scorso Luglio Pro Terra Sancta ha ufficialmente inaugurato il suo ufficio in Giordania! Siamo una realtà ancora tutta in divenire ma abbiamo numerosi progetti da realizzare. Il mio compito sarà coordinare le nuove attività di supporto alla comunità locale e di valorizzazione del patrimonio artistico e culturale.” Così Tareq, primo operatore presente in loco, […]
Emergency in Syria: the story of Father Fadi
11 September 2023
by Jacopo Battistini
Emergency in Syria: the story of Father Fadi
Syria: a tormented country The current situation To take stock of the situation, we interviewed Father Fadi, who has been working and living in Syria, in Latakia, since 2015. “For months, people have stopped asking me for money, they just ask me: ‘Abuna, help us get out of here’. We are truly living the prayer […]
Siria e Libano: andare a scuola nell’incertezza del futuro
01 September 2023
by Lucia Borgato
Siria e Libano: andare a scuola nell’incertezza del futuro
In Siria e Libano un genitore è costretto a scegliere tra vendere gli ultimi averi rimasti per garantire un’istruzione dignitosa ai propri figli o sacrificare il loro futuro e mandarli a lavorare per pochi soldi al mese. Abbiamo parlato spesso di Siria e Libano. Torniamo a parlarne per raccontare cosa significa andare a scuola oggi […]
<strong>Story of a parish priest in Aleppo: interview with Father Bahjat Karakach</strong>
25 August 2023
by Lucia Borgato
Story of a parish priest in Aleppo: interview with Father Bahjat Karakach
“Think that today in Syria, an average salary is equivalent to $10 a month. There is truly extreme poverty that touches all levels of practical life, from eating, to medical care and education.” With these words Father Bahjat Karakach recounts the difficulties of those who live in Syria today. Born and raised in Aleppo, Father […]
Dead Sea: a treasure in danger
25 August 2023
by Jacopo Battistini
Dead Sea: a treasure in danger
The Dead Sea is famous for its salts and the healing properties of its mud. It is the second largest saltwater lake in the world (the record is held by the Caspian Sea), shared by Israel, Jordan and the West Bank. It can give an idea of how incredibly salty it is that the average […]
How do you live in Lebanon today? The current situation after the wars
28 July 2023
by Giacomo Pizzi
How do you live in Lebanon today? The current situation after the wars
We have written many times about the current situation in Lebanon and how life is lived today in the Land of the Cedars. We have done so especially since the tragic explosion of August 4, 2020 , the sad anniversary of which will be celebrated in a few days. A devastating event, which exacerbated the […]
Art therapy workshop, a journey of self-discovery
20 July 2023
by Lucia Borgato
Art therapy workshop, a journey of self-discovery
Experience the beauty of music and art and their positive effects on our mood, when everything around you is dictated by uncertainty about the future. With this objective Pro Terra Sancta wanted to support in Lebanon “Art therapy workshop”, an initiative aimed at discovering music therapy and art therapy. The heavy economic crisis that has […]
Work in Progress: creating opportunities for Lebanese youth
13 July 2023
by Giacomo Pizzi
Work in Progress: creating opportunities for Lebanese youth
Bethany, those guys with their hands in the mud
07 July 2023
by Lucia Borgato
Bethany, those guys with their hands in the mud
“It was a wonderful experience because we taught many young people the history of this country, so that we can enhance it and – we hope – preserve it in the future”. Jawad, the coordinator of the course, is happy while drawing a first assessment of these days. A project to rethink archeology, to make […]
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