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News Page 3
A resilient Lebanon: an interview with Guendalina Sassoli
12 April 2024
by Emma Garroni
A resilient Lebanon: an interview with Guendalina Sassoli
“I thought I would find an afraid country, disheartened by another difficulty looming on the horizon – the imminent war – but instead I found a resilient Lebanon. The city was chaotic, speaking with the youth of Beirut doesn’t leave the impression of facing people devoid of a future. There is optimism, despite the average […]
The hidden stories in the convent of Musky: interview with Martino Masolo
05 April 2024
by Emma Garroni
The hidden stories in the convent of Musky: interview with Martino Masolo
“Telling the story of Musky Convent is important to tell the story of Cairo, the changing landscape and its inhabitants. The Centre’s documents tell us about the city and the people who have passed through it, and it is essential to make the most of them: if we cannot read them, we are left with […]
In Gaza, an Easter of forgiveness and hope.
29 March 2024
by Andrea Avveduto
In Gaza, an Easter of forgiveness and hope.
Jerusalem is preparing for a different Easter than usual, full of the great pain that has struck the entire Holy Land this year. The situation caused by the clashes that began on 7 October last year has generated a gigantic humanitarian crisis in Gaza, due to the bombing and the blockade of aid imposed by […]
Idlib: Between War and Miracles in the Orontes Villages
22 March 2024
by Giacomo Pizzi
Idlib: Between War and Miracles in the Orontes Villages
What is life like in the Orontes Villages in Idlib province, after 13 years of war? What are the differences with the rest of Syria? We asked Father Louai and Father Khoukaz. According to a tradition handed down for centuries, two men between 40 and 50 years of age set out from Jerusalem to Antioch […]
Syria after October 7, a never-ending crisis
08 March 2024
by Lucia Borgato
Syria after October 7, a never-ending crisis
“In addition to hitting the airports in Damascus and Aleppo, many Civilians Die because of these attacks, which in the past were limited only to military areas.” With these words, Ayham from Damascus recounts the difficulties and fears of those in Syria today suffering the indirect consequences of the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Syria context […]
Syria: interview with Jean François
08 March 2024
by Jacopo Battistini
Syria: interview with Jean François
“The situation is difficult. We don’t solve Syria’s problems, but we stand by the people. And this is an important sign of hope for everyone.” Jean François Thiry has been living in Aleppo for a few months to coordinate the projects of Pro Terra Sancta. On the occasion of the anniversary of the war that […]
Bethlehem: the peace of those who have decided to stay
23 February 2024
by Jacopo Battistini
Bethlehem: the peace of those who have decided to stay
“My whole family is in Canada, they would like me close, but my life is here and I don’t know what to do.” So says Issa, a man in his forties whom he met by chance in a restaurant in Bethlehem. “Life here is difficult, I have two children, they are only teenagers, but they […]
In memory of a friend
16 February 2024
by Andrea Avveduto
In memory of a friend
Sobhia’s Story: A Beacon of Hope in Earthquake-Wounded Syria
09 February 2024
by Jacopo Battistini
Sobhia’s Story: A Beacon of Hope in Earthquake-Wounded Syria
Like Sobhia, thousands of people in Aleppo have found themselves homeless and with their lives turned upside down. In a context already marked by years of war, the earthquake has further aggravated the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Indeed, in some cities of this tormented country, such as Idlib, the earthquake and the war are added […]
Guarding hearts in the Holy Land, interview with Fr Gianantonio Urbani
02 February 2024
by Lucia Borgato
Guarding hearts in the Holy Land, interview with Fr Gianantonio Urbani
“I personally believe that we, as scholars, are called to do well what is the mission for which we have been in the Holy Land for many centuries. Definitely to protect the places but also and above all the hearts.” The feast of the presentation of Jesus in the temple is a very important feast […]
The Holy Land: The Other Side of War
26 January 2024
by Andrea Avveduto
The Holy Land: The Other Side of War
“We have always worked to support our family and – believe me – to be forced to ask for help today is painful. We find it hard to live.” Linda’s husband worked in tourism. Today he’s at home, and out of shame he doesn’t even want to be seen talking to his wife. Linda and […]
Elham. On the Steps of Hope for Gaza’s Families
19 January 2024
by Lucia Borgato
Elham. On the Steps of Hope for Gaza’s Families
What is your relationship with Pro Terra Sancta? I met you a few years ago, because you helped us collect basic necessities for needy families. The relationship has intensified during this winter season, because we have collected and brought so much aid to Gaza. How do parcels get to the Strip? Not all food and […]
The new website of the Bethlehem Fair Trade Bazaar is online
05 January 2024
by giulia colaluce
The new website of the Bethlehem Fair Trade Bazaar is online
It was a Christmas without pilgrims in Bethlehem. The context of crisis due to the war has alienated everyone and the absence of tourists has had a significant impact on the city, which largely depends on religious tourism and the sale of souvenirs. The situation has prompted the Pro Terra Sancta Association to take a […]
The story of Basma, between courage and passion
28 December 2023
by Jacopo Battistini
The story of Basma, between courage and passion
Christian, female, disabled. Basma is a young Palestinian girl from Bethlehem, suffering from a rare syndrome that has deformed her face and body. But Basma is not only that. She has a gift. Basma started working with terracotta as a child, and has never stopped since. Her hands, scarred by illness, are able to create […]
Among the angels of Bethlehem: the Hogar Ni<strong>ñ</strong>o Dios
28 December 2023
by Jacopo Battistini
Among the angels of Bethlehem: the Hogar Niño Dios
A few steps from the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem is Hogar Nino Dios, a small reality that welcomes dozens of young people with severe disabilities. Sisters and priests of the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word work tirelessly here, taking care of these children night and day. In a context of great poverty […]
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